Forensic accountants investigate and analyse financial details in legal cases, often serving as Expert Witnesses in court.
Pierce’s skilled forensic accounting team has extensive experience in financial audits and investigations, handling cases from personal injury claims to multi-million-pound commercial disputes.
Pierce Forensic Limited is led by directors George Horley, Emma Wallace and Jeremy Rowe.
A forensic accountant is the Sherlock Holmes of the accounting world, neutral, unbiased, and concerned only with arriving at the truth of the matter for any financial transaction.
Forensic accountants investigate financial matters in response to past events, for example, disputes or allegations of wrongdoing, determining loss of earnings claims, or undertaking valuations in divorce cases.
Typically, solicitors employ forensic accountants to work on their client’s behalf during legal cases. However, at Pierce, our dedicated team are approachable and happy to answer any initial queries you may have.
Forensic accountants are experts at analysing complex financial issues and explaining the calculations, results and facts of their investigation in a way that anyone can understand.
Auditors typically work to ensure that transactions are compliant with financial reporting standards and aim to ensure that financial statements are free from material misstatement. A forensic accountant on the other hand is able to carefully tailor their investigation dependent on the case at hand.
Yes, forensic accountants can act as “expert witnesses” and are able to attend court to provide evidence in all sorts of financial proceedings.
No, forensic accountants can be employed to perform specific investigation services as a smaller one-off engagement, which can often be undertaken prior to litigation commencing.
Feel free to contact us to review your issue, we can do this in total confidence and without financial obligation. We can provide feedback and an estimate of the costs that would be involved if we assisted with your issue.
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