Margaret Stott


Margaret Stott


Part of the administration team supporting the office and assisting clients.


Having previously worked in professional services including banking finance, mortgage advisor/underwriter, investment manager/IFA with also a period in travel. I have now worked for over 20 years with DonnellyBentley (now part of the Pierce Group).


I enjoy spending time with family and friends, keeping fit, reading and definitely travelling.

Unusual Fact

I used to design and create my own clothing.

Bucket List

I wish to take a long trip around the world utilising trains, planes, automobiles, small boats (hopefully yachts not dinghies!) to see as much as possible!

Favourite Place

Many favourite places and a few that stand out: The Lake District is lovely, St Ives is fab and Santorini/Mykonos is WOW stunning!

Favourite Food

Better to say what I don’t like..… I just love food!

Favourite Movie

Avatar the movie – stunning, immersive experience that takes you to another place, in another world!

I can't get through a day without...

Coffee with a piece of dark chocolate.

Contact Details

Telephone:01204 388675

Free, No Obligation Initial Consultation

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